Performance Institute

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At Performance Institute, our philosophy is that everyone is an athlete.  From our youngest amateur athletes of 6 to our seasoned veterans of 85 we want to restore, maintain, and build athletic prowess.  When you’re stuck at a desk all day, on the phone, looking at your computer; it robs your body of its athletic prowess.  It’s up to you to find balance, stay healthy, and continue to improve yourself as an athlete.  Here’s 5 tips that will help restore, maintain, and build your inner athlete:

    1. Couch Stretch – use this stretch daily to maintain proper ankle, knee, and hip flexion. Think of this stretch to counter a seated position. Now I don’t think sitting is the new smoking, too much of any position is not a good thing. Make sure to use a yoga block or pillow under the knee. Brace your abs and squeeze your glutes on the side you’re stretching. Hold this stretch 2 minutes per side.

    2. Super Frog – maintain a neutral spine and brace your abs. Keep your feet spread out and slowly rock back and forth. Your hip adductor muscles shorten when seated for too long. This will help. Perform 15 reps.

    3. Wall Flatteners - this is the easiest looking, hardest exercise you will do. Keep your hips, shoulders, and head on the wall. Don’t allow your lower back to arch and press your wrists and elbows back towards the wall. Slowly slide your arms up and down, while maintaining pressure into the wall. Don’t worry if you can’t touch the wall the entire time, it will come. Try 15 reps, 2-3x/day.

    4. Drink More Water – most people are in a state of chronic partial dehydration. This will affect your focus, mood, energy, and body composition. As a simple rule of thumb, aim to drink aim half your body weight (in pounds) in ounces. So, if you weight 200lbs, you should be drinking 100 ounces of water each day. Keep a water bottle close by throughout the day. You will have to get up periodically to use the bathroom, but that additional movement is also a good thing.

    5. Burn More Calories Through the Day – many people workout 2 or 3 days a week but are extremely inactive throughout the rest of their days. You should be strength training to keep fit and youthful. Get up and move more frequently. Aim for 10,000 steps a day. Park a little further away, take the stairs, go for a walk at lunch or after dinner. These small little challenges add up to a massive effect on the body, both mentally and physically.

Now is the perfect time to start.  Don’t wait for the New Year.  Imagine what you could accomplish for the remainder of 2021?  We are fanatical about helping you reach your goals.  Give the professionals at Performance Institute a call at 604.291.9941 or email us or learn more at